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  • Coaching & Compassion Blog | C&C

    All Posts Parenting Conscious Parenting Podcast Holiday Mansi P. 2 minutes ago 5 min How to Create a Meaningful Raksha Bandhan: A Parent’s Guide to Conscious Celebrations Make Raksha Bandhan meaningful! Discover tips and activities, and get a free book with recipes and tradition Create lasting family memories 0 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Mansi P. Jul 26 2 min Navigating Conscious Parenting for South Asian and Immigrant Parents: The Importance of Self-Care In this podcast episode, I speak on navigating conscious parenting for south Asian and immigrant parents and the importance of self-care. 11 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Mansi P. Jul 1 2 min Hi, Welcome to the C&C Blog and Conscious Parenting In this article, I introduce myself and explain the blog and the information I will share. 42 0 comments 0 3 likes. Post not marked as liked 3 Mansi P. Jul 1 1 min Breaking Generational Parenting Cycles: Modern Parenting Techniques for South Asian Families Generational Parenting Cycles: Modern Parenting Techniques for South Asian Families Hello again friends, I was a guest on Dr. Flora's... 17 0 comments 0 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2 Mansi P. Jul 1 2 min Effective Parenting Tips for South Asian Parents: Bridging Traditions and Modern Practices Practical Parenting Tips for South Asian Parents: Bridging Traditions and Modern Practices Hello friends, I wanted to take the chance to... 18 0 comments 0 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2


    For brand collaborations or any speaking engagements please email me If you would like to know about any upcoming workshops email me at: Contact us First name Last name Email* Message* Submit I would love to hear from you! My goal is to inspire parents to foster closer relationships with their children and change familial dynamics. I would love to hear from you; fill out the form below and let me know how Conscious Parenting has inspired you. Or let me know if I can provide you with any further support. For brand collaborations or speaking engagement inquiries, please email: For coaching needs, please check out our coaching page. Email* Message Submit Mansi represents the epitome of compassion and guidance one needs to bring yourself to the next level, a newer, better, an truer self. More importantly she is able to help you believe that you are capable to becoming exactly the person you are meant to become. I feel she can hear the struggle and dissect the problem in ways that no one can. Just when I think how can have anything new possible to add to this same cyclic problem she somehow is able to shed new light and a new path and a new beginning to yet the same journey. Finally someone who can see me for who I am, accept me, and see me for who I want to become! Testimonials As my children were growing and becoming miniature adults, I found myself becoming less patient, more frustrated and feeling like the only way I could keep calm/control in the home was to use my authority. I felt as if I was becoming so detached from my own children. Until I met Mansi. She not only helped me improve my relationship with my children, but she encouraged me to dive deep within myself to understand why and how I was creating the difficult situations with my kids. More than ever, I feel confident as a parent, closer to my children, and there is definitely less yelling in the house! Thank you Mansi for everything you have done for me and my family thus far! I could not have done it without you. Testimonials At first I had doubted my abilities to parent effectively and by meeting with Mansi weekly, I have become stronger with tools to parent consciously and more importantly fell even more in love with my children. Testimonials When I went to Mansi for help, I didn’t know what kind of parent I want to be. The only thing I knew is what kind of parent I didn’t want to be to my three little humans. With her help I was not only able to understand or connect with my kids but also gain self-confidence :) I am so looking forward my journey with Mansi and to see what else I will be able to discover about myself :) Testimonials Next Subscribe to our newsletter Email* Yes, subscribe me to your newsletter. Submit BOOK A SESSION FREE 15 Minute Consultation During your FREE 15-minute Zoom consultation, you can learn all the benefits of Conscious Parenting and what you can expect from the coaching process.

  • About | Coaching & Compassion

    ABOUT Hi I'm Mansi, I am a small town Jersey girl turned Cali girl and enjoy a full life with my husband and three children. Each one of my littles comes with big personalities and feelings which led me to learn how to be emotionally expansive to their experiences. Hi I'm Mansi, I was born and raised as a small-town Jersey girl obsessed with chasing fireflies and spending endless hours playing outside. My older sister and I were raised by immigrant parents who worked multiple jobs to make ends meet and offer us a flourishing life. My Story Soon into my marriage (with my husband of twelve years), I became a Mother to my creative and caring son and daughter (eight-year-old twins) and a few years later to my sweet and fearless four-year-old daughter. As a new Mom, I didn’t always feel like I knew what I was doing, and soon enough, I started realizing how my own triggers and expectations were getting in the way of my authentic connection with my children. I was shocked to learn how my own childhood challenged my present life as a mother of three. Through conscious parenting, I learned to have compassion for my own experience, my upbringing, my children, and their experiences, and soon enough, I realized how my children were my very own loving gurus in life. Becoming a mother inspired me to pursue my coaching certification through Dr. Shefali’s Conscious Parenting Coaching Institute, and I am now living my passion and purpose, being a coach! I immersed myself fully in the journey and philosophy of becoming a conscious parent. It is one that is familiar to me, passionate to me, and is my way of life. If you are hearing an inner voice, wishing to connect further with your child, but you're struggling, don't wait another day... Contact me to set up a free 15-minute consultation. I can’t wait to walk with you on your journey as we discover the depths of conscious parenting together! ​ GET STARTED HERE Becoming a mother inspired me to pursue my coaching certification through Dr. Shefali’s Conscious Parenting Coaching Institute, and I am living my passion and purpose, being a coach! This journey of becoming a conscious parent was one that I went on, and I immersed myself in philosophy. It is one that is familiar to me, passionate to me, and is my way of life. If you hear that inner voice wishing to connect further with your children but are struggling as I was, don’t wait another day. Contact me to set up a free 15-minute consultation. I can’t wait to walk with you on your journey as we discover the depths of conscious parenting together! Are you ready for your life to be transformed?

  • COACHING | Coaching and Compassion

    You are tired of having to discipline your kids; the timeouts are not working, and you're frustrated having the same fights in your home and unable to find the clarity that you are looking for. You try to say the right words, but you are unable to feel the calmness that you so desire to approach your child with. You long to offer them understanding and compassion while also redirecting and encouraging healthy expressions of self. Let this be a worry of the past as I take you through a holistic approach, weaving Western psychology and Eastern philosophy to gain a 360-degree view of your parenting challenges and how to compassionately approach your children with confidence as well as offering yourself grace . You are not alone in this; let's figure this out together! BOOK A SESSION FREE 15 Minute Consultation During your FREE 15-minute Zoom consultation, you can learn all the benefits of Conscious Parenting and what you can expect from the coaching process. What you will learn during our coaching sessions UNDERSTANDING THE ROOT CAUSE Conscious parenting gives you tools to find the root cause of the family dynamic in question. It teaches us how to take a pause to then gain the utmost clarity in what we are bringing to the challenging situation and what it is that our child is truly trying to communicate. This opens up an effective channel between parent and child to better communicate, creating a stronger bond. EMOTIONAL REGULATION Conscious parenting gives you a precise model for emotional regulation that first starts with you, the parent. Learning effectively and in real-time, as well as what is at the core of your emotional dysregulation, is precisely what helps us understand and encourage healthy emotional expression in our children. Being calm during your child's tantrums can help your child learn to manage their emotions more effectively. BUILDING SECURE ATTATCHMENT Conscious parenting fosters a secure attachment as a base. A secure child is less likely to have frequent tantrums because they trust that their needs will be met and that they are understood. Once a child feels a strong sense of security, they are more likely to communicate their internal confusion with you, leaving little room for spontaneous tantrums that leave you guessing for an answer and feeling frustrated. MINDFUL RESPONSES Conscious parenting focuses on responding mindfully to a child's tantrums. This involves taking a moment to assess the situation and choosing a compassionate and constructive response. BOOK A SESSION FREE 15 Minute Consultation During your FREE 15 minute Zoom consultation, you can learn all the benefits of Conscious Parenting and what you can expect from the coaching process. BOOK A SESSION BOOK A SESSION Coaching & Compassion I help parents make sense of their parenting struggles and offer tools to help youand your child deeply connect through compassionate correction. BOOK A SESSION Private Coaching I am a Certified Conscious Parenting Coach with degrees in Communications and Psychology. My mission is to bring Purpose back to Parenting. Parenting is harder now than ever before, and we have lost so much of the joy and passion behind what Parenthood can offer us. My goal is to help you make sense of your parenting struggles so that you can parent with the utmost clarity and confidence, turning your parenting struggles into parenting successes. In working with my clients, my parents have shown up as compassionate leaders within their homes while raising kind and confident kids. GET STARTED Private Coaching I am a Certified Conscious Parenting Coach with degrees in Communications and Psychology. My mission is to bring Purpose back to Parenting. Parenting is harder now than ever before, and we have lost so much of the joy and passion behind what Parenthood can offer us. My goal is to help you make sense of your parenting struggles so that you can parent with the utmost clarity and confidence, turning your parenting struggles into parenting successes. In working with my clients, my parents have been able to show up as compassionate leaders within their homes while raising kind and confident kids. GET STARTED COACHING & COMPASSION I help parents make sense of their parenting struggles and, in turn, offer tools to help you and your child deeply connects through compassionate correction. Book A Session

  • FAQ | Coaching and Compassion

    FAQ WHAT ARE YOUR CERTIFICATIONS? I am a fully certified coach practitioner through the Conscious Parenting Coaching Method through Dr. Shefali Tsbary, world-renowned clinical psychologist and 3-time NYT bestselling author of 7 books on CP and mindful living. More importantly, I have been in your shoes and have helped hundreds of parents maneuver their difficult parenting situations. ARE OUR SESSIONS CONFIDENTIAL? 100%! What happens in our sessions, stricktly stays in our sessions. Your privacy is of the utmost importance to me. HOW LONG DOES COACHING LAST? The time that your coaching process will take depends on the complexity of your goals and your commitment and openness to your process. Along with my professional assessment, I empower each of my clients to intuitively decide when they feel like they achieved their goals to then work towards termination of services. The average amount of time clients typically work through coaching is 4-6 months. There are coaching specials offered to all my graduate clients if more support is required. HOW LONG DOES IT TYPICALLY TAKE TO SEE RESULTS? While you will walk away with tools and positive changes in the first session, clients typically start to see true, deep, energetic shifts by weeks 4-6. A few months into our coaching process, you will start to find positive shifts in yourself as a person and parent. CAN I DO COACHING WITH MY PARTNER OR AS A FAMILY? Yes. Coaching is meant to support the family as a unit, focusing on the parents as change-makers. For this reason, I offer various types of coaching packages. - Individual Coaching - Couples Coaching - Family Coaching *Book a free consultation to learn about each option and which would be best suited for you. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COACHING AND THERAPY? While I am a Certified Conscious Parenting Coach, I am not a licensed therapist. Coaching can often serve as an impactful addition to therapy. Coaching and therapy are both supportive modalities designed to help improve your inner life resulting in an improved outer life. They do differ in focus, approach and methodology as coaching is more present and future-focused while dipping into the past to work towards reaching specified goals. Therapy is typically more past and present-focused with the purpose of diagnosing and treating any mental health challenges. Both address improved mental and overall health diving into the psyche, emotional, and mental states while gaining insight into thoughts, patterns, and behaviors. I AM NOT READY FOR COACHING BUT WANT TO KEEP LEARNING. That’s okay; my goal is to help in any way that I can. For that reason, I created my newsletter and C&C Blog, where you can get some tools to get started on your own. I want to empower you to bring change to your home, so I welcome you to join the C&C Blog, sign up for our newsletter, or follow me on Instagram (@coachingandcompassion) to keep learning. Mansi P. 1 minute ago 5 min How to Create a Meaningful Raksha Bandhan: A Parent’s Guide to Conscious Celebrations Make Raksha Bandhan meaningful! Discover tips and activities, and get a free book with recipes and tradition Create lasting family memories 0 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Mansi P. Jul 26 2 min Navigating Conscious Parenting for South Asian and Immigrant Parents: The Importance of Self-Care In this podcast episode, I speak on navigating conscious parenting for south Asian and immigrant parents and the importance of self-care. 11 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Mansi P. Jul 1 2 min Hi, Welcome to the C&C Blog and Conscious Parenting In this article, I introduce myself and explain the blog and the information I will share. 42 0 comments 0 3 likes. Post not marked as liked 3 Mansi P. Jul 1 1 min Breaking Generational Parenting Cycles: Modern Parenting Techniques for South Asian Families Generational Parenting Cycles: Modern Parenting Techniques for South Asian Families Hello again friends, I was a guest on Dr. Flora's... 17 0 comments 0 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2 Mansi P. Jul 1 2 min Effective Parenting Tips for South Asian Parents: Bridging Traditions and Modern Practices Practical Parenting Tips for South Asian Parents: Bridging Traditions and Modern Practices Hello friends, I wanted to take the chance to... 18 0 comments 0 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2

  • Coaching and Compassion | Conscious Parenting

    COACHING COMPASSION & I help parents make sense of their parenting struggles and offer tools to help you securely attach with your child through compassionate connection. BOOK A SESSION Coaching & Compassion I help parents make sense of their parenting struggles and offer tools to help you securely attach with your child through compassionate connection. BOOK A SESSION Coaching & Compassion I help parents make sense of their parenting struggles and offer tools to help you securely attach with your child through compassionate connection. BOOK A SESSION Mansi represents the epitome of compassion and guidance one needs to bring yourself to the next level, a newer, better, an truer self. More importantly she is able to help you believe that you are capable to becoming exactly the person you are meant to become. I feel she can hear the struggle and dissect the problem in ways that no one can. Just when I think how can have anything new possible to add to this same cyclic problem she somehow is able to shed new light and a new path and a new beginning to yet the same journey. Finally someone who can see me for who I am, accept me, and see me for who I want to become! Testimonials At first I had doubted my abilities to parent effectively and by meeting with Mansi weekly, I have become stronger with tools to parent consciously and more importantly fell even more in love with my children. Testimonials When I went to Mansi for help, I didn’t know what kind of parent I want to be. The only thing I knew is what kind of parent I didn’t want to be to my three little humans. With her help I was not only able to understand or connect with my kids but also gain self-confidence :) I am so looking forward my journey with Mansi and to see what else I will be able to discover about myself :) Testimonials Next Hi I'm Mansi, I am so glad you were able to find me here. As a Mother of children struggling to show up as a present parent, I noticed that I was not alone in my endeavors. We've read the books, we've talked to friends, we've seen others parent. But why is it still so difficult for us to show up well in our most challenging moments in parenthood? Coaching and Compassion was developed for this exact reason! A tried and true practice that transformed my own parenting experience, as well as many parents I've had the privilege to work with. LEARN MORE Mansi Parikh Certified Parenting Coach Trained by Dr. Shefali Tsabary Subscribe to our newsletter Email* Yes, subscribe me to your newsletter. Submit Subscribe to our newsletter Email* Yes, subscribe me to your newsletter. Submit Mansi P. 1 minute ago 5 min How to Create a Meaningful Raksha Bandhan: A Parent’s Guide to Conscious Celebrations Post not marked as liked Mansi P. Jul 26 2 min Navigating Conscious Parenting for South Asian and Immigrant Parents: The Importance of Self-Care Post not marked as liked Mansi P. Jul 1 2 min Hi, Welcome to the C&C Blog and Conscious Parenting 3 likes. Post not marked as liked 3 Mansi P. Jul 1 1 min Breaking Generational Parenting Cycles: Modern Parenting Techniques for South Asian Families 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2 Mansi P. Jul 1 2 min Effective Parenting Tips for South Asian Parents: Bridging Traditions and Modern Practices 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2 Coaching & Compassion I help parents make sense of their parenting struggles and offer tools to help youand your child deeply connect through compassionate correction. BOOK A SESSION Private Coaching I am a Certified Conscious Parenting Coach with degrees in Communications and Psychology. My mission is to bring Purpose back to Parenting. Parenting is harder now than ever before, and we have lost so much of the joy and passion behind what Parenthood can offer us. My goal is to help you make sense of your parenting struggles so that you can parent with the utmost clarity and confidence, turning your parenting struggles into parenting successes. In working with my clients, my parents have shown up as compassionate leaders within their homes while raising kind and confident kids. GET STARTED

  • METHODOLOGY | Coaching and Compassion

    What is Conscious Parenting? Conscious Parenting (CP) is a revolutionary new way of parenting that challenges the traditional paradigm. In CP, we focus on energetically connecting with our children, who, in turn, do not require much correcting. We seek to understand the emotions behind their words and behaviors. CP discourages the notion that our children require fixing and instead encourages us to first commit to our own healing. It is here, when we start with ourselves, that we gain clarity of our own psyche and how it is interfering with our ability to understand our child's needs and why we are unable to show up in a calm and collected manner. This results in parents offering their children a secure relationship with tools on how to navigate difficult situations, turning possible chaos into authentic connections. As a certified coaching professional, it is my sole intention to support you during your transformational process, fostering a more positive relationship with yourself and, in turn, your children and loved ones. ​ Want to learn more about conscious parenting coaching? BOOK A CALL What is Conscious Parenting? Conscious Parenting (CP) is a revolutionary new way of parenting that challenges the traditional paradigm. In CP, we focus on energetically connecting with our children, who, in turn, do not require much correcting. We seek to understand the emotions behind their words and behaviors. CP discourages the notion that our children require fixing and instead encourages us to first commit to our own healing. It is here, when we start with ourselves, that we gain clarity of our own psyche and how it is interfering with our ability to understand our child's needs and why we are unable to show up in a calm and collected manner. This results in parents offering their children a secure relationship with tools on how to navigate difficult situations, turning possible chaos into authentic connections. As a certified coaching professional, it is my sole intention to support you during your transformational process, fostering a more positive relationship with yourself and, in turn, your children and loved ones. ​ Want to learn more about conscious parenting coaching? BOOK A CALL What is Conscious Parenting? Conscious Parenting (CP) is a revolutionary new way of parenting that challenges the traditional paradigm. In CP, we focus on energetically connecting with our children, who, in turn, do not require much correcting. We seek to understand the emotions behind their words and behaviors. CP discourages the notion that our children require fixing and instead encourages us to first commit to our own healing. It is here, when we start with ourselves, that we gain clarity of our own psyche and how it is interfering with our ability to understand our child's needs and why we are unable to show up in a calm and collected manner. This results in parents offering their children a secure relationship with tools on how to navigate difficult situations, turning possible chaos into authentic connections. As a certified coaching professional, it is my sole intention to support you during your transformational process, fostering a more positive relationship with yourself and, in turn, your children and loved ones. ​ Want to learn more about conscious parenting coaching? BOOK A CALL Mansi P. 1 minute ago 5 min How to Create a Meaningful Raksha Bandhan: A Parent’s Guide to Conscious Celebrations Make Raksha Bandhan meaningful! Discover tips and activities, and get a free book with recipes and tradition Create lasting family memories 0 views 0 comments Post not marked as liked Mansi P. Jul 26 2 min Navigating Conscious Parenting for South Asian and Immigrant Parents: The Importance of Self-Care In this podcast episode, I speak on navigating conscious parenting for south Asian and immigrant parents and the importance of self-care. 11 views 0 comments Post not marked as liked Mansi P. Jul 1 2 min Hi, Welcome to the C&C Blog and Conscious Parenting In this article, I introduce myself and explain the blog and the information I will share. 42 views 0 comments 3 likes. Post not marked as liked 3 Mansi P. Jul 1 1 min Breaking Generational Parenting Cycles: Modern Parenting Techniques for South Asian Families Generational Parenting Cycles: Modern Parenting Techniques for South Asian Families Hello again friends, I was a guest on Dr. Flora's... 17 views 0 comments 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2 Mansi P. Jul 1 2 min Effective Parenting Tips for South Asian Parents: Bridging Traditions and Modern Practices Practical Parenting Tips for South Asian Parents: Bridging Traditions and Modern Practices Hello friends, I wanted to take the chance to... 18 views 0 comments 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2 Mansi P. 1 minute ago 5 min How to Create a Meaningful Raksha Bandhan: A Parent’s Guide to Conscious Celebrations Make Raksha Bandhan meaningful! Discover tips and activities, and get a free book with recipes and tradition Create lasting family memories 0 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Mansi P. Jul 26 2 min Navigating Conscious Parenting for South Asian and Immigrant Parents: The Importance of Self-Care In this podcast episode, I speak on navigating conscious parenting for south Asian and immigrant parents and the importance of self-care. 11 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Mansi P. Jul 1 2 min Hi, Welcome to the C&C Blog and Conscious Parenting In this article, I introduce myself and explain the blog and the information I will share. 42 0 comments 0 3 likes. Post not marked as liked 3 Mansi P. Jul 1 1 min Breaking Generational Parenting Cycles: Modern Parenting Techniques for South Asian Families Generational Parenting Cycles: Modern Parenting Techniques for South Asian Families Hello again friends, I was a guest on Dr. Flora's... 17 0 comments 0 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2 Mansi P. Jul 1 2 min Effective Parenting Tips for South Asian Parents: Bridging Traditions and Modern Practices Practical Parenting Tips for South Asian Parents: Bridging Traditions and Modern Practices Hello friends, I wanted to take the chance to... 18 0 comments 0 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2 Mansi P. 1 minute ago 5 min How to Create a Meaningful Raksha Bandhan: A Parent’s Guide to Conscious Celebrations Post not marked as liked Mansi P. Jul 26 2 min Navigating Conscious Parenting for South Asian and Immigrant Parents: The Importance of Self-Care Post not marked as liked Mansi P. Jul 1 2 min Hi, Welcome to the C&C Blog and Conscious Parenting 3 likes. Post not marked as liked 3 Mansi P. Jul 1 1 min Breaking Generational Parenting Cycles: Modern Parenting Techniques for South Asian Families 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2 Mansi P. Jul 1 2 min Effective Parenting Tips for South Asian Parents: Bridging Traditions and Modern Practices 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2 Mansi P. 1 minute ago 5 min How to Create a Meaningful Raksha Bandhan: A Parent’s Guide to Conscious Celebrations Make Raksha Bandhan meaningful! Discover tips and activities, and get a free book with recipes and tradition Create lasting family memories 0 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Mansi P. Jul 26 2 min Navigating Conscious Parenting for South Asian and Immigrant Parents: The Importance of Self-Care In this podcast episode, I speak on navigating conscious parenting for south Asian and immigrant parents and the importance of self-care. 11 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Mansi P. Jul 1 2 min Hi, Welcome to the C&C Blog and Conscious Parenting In this article, I introduce myself and explain the blog and the information I will share. 42 0 comments 0 3 likes. Post not marked as liked 3 Mansi P. Jul 1 1 min Breaking Generational Parenting Cycles: Modern Parenting Techniques for South Asian Families Generational Parenting Cycles: Modern Parenting Techniques for South Asian Families Hello again friends, I was a guest on Dr. Flora's... 17 0 comments 0 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2 Mansi P. Jul 1 2 min Effective Parenting Tips for South Asian Parents: Bridging Traditions and Modern Practices Practical Parenting Tips for South Asian Parents: Bridging Traditions and Modern Practices Hello friends, I wanted to take the chance to... 18 0 comments 0 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2

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