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Hi, Welcome to the C&C Blog and Conscious Parenting

Updated: Jul 30

Table of Contents

What is Coaching & Compassion?

It was a warm day in Los Angeles as I sat on my couch and looked out the window with the sun shining in. But something didn't feel so sunny inside me. I watched my two-year-old twins play in our family room, overtaken by guilt. "Wait, why am I sitting? I have a thousand things to do and don't have time to sit." Wait, I need to prep their lunch and get their diaper bag packed for later this evening, all before nap time." "Ughh, if they fight over a toy one more time, I'm going to lose my mind!." "Why can't I just have a moment of peace? What do I do?"

This day was no different than any other except for one difference: I was over it all. I was over my own parenting; I was over this facade of parenting that I couldn't experience; I was over trying to be a supermom, and I was my anxiety. That day in June of 2018, I looked at myself in the mirror and channeled compassion.

"Mothers are not meant to be over worked and under nurtured"

Coaching and Compassion was founded for this exact purpose: to offer support to myself as a new Mother of twins and the millions of Mothers who share in the same frustrations. Mothers are not meant to be overworked and under-nurtured while raising kind, confident kids. Let's raise our Mothers first.

a woman sitting at a desk
Mansi Parikh, Certified Conscious Parenting Coach

The face behind Coaching & Compassion?

As a young girl who dreamed of Motherhood her whole life, when I was blessed with the opportunity to be a Mother, my experience was nothing like I dreamt it to be. Why was it so hard? How did I become a glass half empty? My confusion and curiosity led me to tremendous inner work on myself. I read self-help books endlessly and couldn't lift my eyes from learning more about psychology and philosophy in a way, decoding myself, and finding some clarity. I picked up the book The Conscious Parent, and something changed within me. Shortly later, I found a coaching certification program by Dr. Shefali Tsabary, world-renowned clinical psychologist, Oprah's parenting expert, and New York Times best-selling author. Before i completed my intensive training program, I already had clients reaching out and hit the ground running with Coaching & Compassion.

How can Conscious Parenting help you?

Conscious Parenting offers a full 360-degree view of you, your child, and your family system while offering wisdom and tools based on Western Psychology and Eastern Philosophy. Tools to help foster a deeper connection with your children and enhance your parenting skills to raise kind and confident kids.

I committed to this path and continue to follow it every day. I also have the privilege of walking with hundreds of Mothers to improve their parenting experiences, one difficult parenting moment at a time.

"Let's keep redefining our Motherhood together."

You're not alone, Momma. I see how hard you're working for your family and the sacrifices you've made. You won't go unnoticed—nope, not here! I'm right here with you. Let's keep redefining our Motherhood together.

Learn more about Conscious Parenting Coaching here.

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