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Family holding each other at the beach


Hi I'm Mansi,

I am a small town Jersey girl turned Cali girl and enjoy a full life with my husband and three children. Each one of my littles comes with big personalities and feelings which led me to learn how to be emotionally expansive to their experiences. 

Hi I'm Mansi,

I was born and raised as a small-town Jersey girl obsessed with chasing fireflies and spending endless hours playing outside. My older sister and I were raised by immigrant parents who worked multiple jobs to make ends meet and offer us a flourishing life. 

My Story

Soon into my marriage (with my husband of twelve years), I became a Mother to my creative and caring son and daughter (eight-year-old twins) and a few years later to my sweet and fearless four-year-old daughter. As a new Mom, I didn’t always feel like I knew what I was doing, and soon enough, I started realizing how my own triggers and expectations were getting in the way of my authentic connection with my children.  I was shocked to learn how my own childhood challenged my present life as a mother of three. Through conscious parenting, I learned to have compassion for my own experience, my upbringing, my children, and their experiences, and soon enough, I realized how my children were my very own loving gurus in life.

Mother and son smiling

Becoming a mother inspired me to pursue my coaching certification through Dr. Shefali’s Conscious Parenting Coaching Institute, and I am now living my passion and purpose, being a coach! I immersed myself fully in the journey and philosophy of becoming a conscious parent. It is one that is familiar to me, passionate to me, and is my way of life. If you are hearing an inner voice, wishing to connect further with your child, but you're struggling, don't wait another day...


Contact me to set up a free 15-minute consultation. I can’t wait to walk with you on your journey as we discover the depths of conscious parenting together!

Becoming a mother inspired me to pursue my coaching certification through Dr. Shefali’s Conscious Parenting Coaching Institute, and I am living my passion and purpose, being a coach! This journey of becoming a conscious parent was one that I went on, and I immersed myself in philosophy. It is one that is familiar to me, passionate to me, and is my way of life. If you hear that inner voice wishing to connect further with your children but are struggling as I was, don’t wait another day. Contact me to set up a free 15-minute consultation. I can’t wait to walk with you on your journey as we discover the depths of conscious parenting together! Are you ready for your life to be transformed?

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