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I help parents make sense of their parenting struggles and offer tools to help you securely attach with your child through compassionate connection.

Coaching  Compassion

Mom and daughter

I help parents make sense of their parenting struggles and offer tools to help you securely attach with your child through compassionate connection.

Coaching &Compassion

Mom and daughter holding each other

I help parents make sense of their parenting struggles and offer tools to help you securely attach with your child through compassionate connection.

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Mansi represents the epitome of compassion and guidance one needs to bring yourself to the next level, a newer, better, an truer self. More importantly she is able to help you believe that you are capable to becoming exactly the person you are meant to become. I feel she can hear the struggle and dissect the problem in ways that no one can. Just when I think how can have anything new possible to add to this same cyclic problem she somehow is able to shed new light and a new path and a new beginning to yet the same journey. Finally someone who can see me for who I am, accept me, and see me for who I want to become!


At first I had doubted my abilities to parent  effectively and by meeting with Mansi weekly, I have become stronger with tools to parent consciously and more importantly fell even more in love with my children.


When I went to Mansi for help, I didn’t know what kind of parent I want to be. The only thing I knew is what kind of parent I didn’t want to be to my three little humans. With her help I was not only able to understand or connect with my kids but also gain self-confidence :) I am so looking forward my journey with Mansi and to see what else I will be able to discover about myself :)


woman writing on paper

Hi I'm Mansi,

I am so glad you were able to find me here. As a Mother of children struggling to show up as a present parent, I noticed that I was not alone in my endeavors. We've read the books, we've talked to friends, we've seen others parent. But why is it still so difficult for us to show up well in our most challenging moments in parenthood? Coaching and Compassion was developed for this exact reason! A tried and true practice that transformed my own parenting experience, as well as many parents I've had the privilege to work with.

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Image of certification certificate

Mansi Parikh

Certified Parenting Coach
Trained by Dr. Shefali Tsabary
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Coaching &Compassion

I help parents make sense of their parenting struggles and offer tools to help youand your child deeply connect through compassionate correction.

Image of C&C owner with children


I am a Certified Conscious Parenting Coach with degrees in Communications and Psychology. My mission is to bring Purpose back to Parenting. Parenting is harder now than ever before, and we have lost so much of the joy and passion behind what Parenthood can offer us. My goal is to help you make sense of your parenting struggles so that you can parent with the utmost clarity and confidence, turning your parenting struggles into parenting successes. 

In working with my clients, my parents have shown up as compassionate leaders within their homes while raising kind and confident kids.

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